So, you work in a small town or tiny city or rural area in the US or otherwise. You are working in an area where the general population is a lot older than you, and doesn’t share the same values. You may or may not like your job, but you hate the location and the people in that location. You live real far from any major city. And you are looking for career advice that may help you move to a big city, preferably the downtown area. I’m guessing most of you are engineers, either working in R&D or in manufacturing. There are only two career advice pathways to this, and you may not like either of them. The answer depends on whether you like your current job or not.
You like your job/field
If you are an engineer, a job/career search would show that most of the jobs are far from the city. However, there are a few engineering jobs that are in the suburbs of every US city. Chicago suburbs like Schaumburg and Itasca have several manufacturing jobs. The same goes with suburbs of Atlanta, LA, San Francisco. You are generally 40 minutes to an hour away from downtown. You can either live next to work, or live in downtown and commute.
You hate your job/field
If you hate being an engineer, you can train yourself in one of the digital careers that are prominent in major cities across the USA. Careers like Digital Marketing, Digital Analytics and Software Programming will give you access to high paying careers that are generally across major cities in the US. Look up job descriptions in the cities that you want to live in, and train yourself for these jobs.
The only exception to the above categorizations is if you are a civil engineer. You can get a job in the city as most cities are looking for infrastructure fixes and improvements.
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